No, the title of my photoblog isn't a brilliant quote from some great poem or work of literature. I just take blurry, bad photos, is all. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
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I know what all of you are thinking... Geez Sarah, its spring time! Go outside! Get some fresh air! Take some photos of grass and wildflowers! Your photoblog is getting depressing and um, kinda creepy! (And its true.)
i love shadows in pictures! it's really nature's gift to photographers! (God's so smart that He pre-made everything for people to record His works brilliantly! Thank You for letting there be light! :))
Sort of Hitchcock feeling here...I love it!
Sort of a Hitchcock feeling here...I love it!
i love shadows in pictures! it's really nature's gift to photographers! (God's so smart that He pre-made everything for people to record His works brilliantly! Thank You for letting there be light! :))
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